My Design Journey

Fueled by my passion of lifelong learning, in 2023 I dedicated my life to learning UX, Product Design, and Web Design. With over 6 years of experience running top notch art programs, designing research based curriculums and practicing human centered design, I was prepared to use these skills in a new area. I’m focused on polishing my UX and UI Design skills while also creating research based case studies. I am seeking a new position as a UX Product Designer to continue using my experience and newly learned skills to bring creative user centered designs to life.

Real Data People Research


Whole House Health

With over 350,000 health apps globally available today, why try to create another? This case study delves into the problems real users face day to day, and the solutions I designed in a web responsive desktop and mobile app.



In 2022 Strava had 95 million registered users, with two million added every month. With the mission to empower amateur users to professionals, they have captured the attention of users globally. Lingo-Lympics is designed with a similar model to ignite the passion for learning a new language. This mobile app is designed for the user who loves a good challenge.


Trip Buddy

A redesign to solve the bumps in the road to planning your perfect RV trip.

This project analyzes one of the newest RV trip planning apps, and uses testing to determine what UI enhancements can be made for a more enjoyable and usable experience.


"Jenna is a highly professional and well-organized individual, as she was able to successfully dedicate her time to the intensive coursework while working full-time as an educator. Additionally, she was highly receptive to any feedback that I gave, as she always took ample time to listen to my feedback on a weekly basis, ask follow-up questions, and implement the feedback points in her design decisions successfully. From a technical perspective, I was highly impressed by how quickly Jenna was able to grasp and utilize advanced-level Figma prototyping and design systems management skills along with learning how to build her web portfolio using WordPress and Elementor."
"Jenna is a UX designer with a deep understanding of how to create user-friendly products. Her passion for education and accessibility drive her design process to consider users with all kinds of needs, ensuring that her work is not only compliant with accessibility standards but also present simple and intuitive user flows and visual aesthetics for all. Her experience in fine arts informs a clean, appealing visual aesthetic to polish off her wonderful UX work. I had the pleasure of working with Jenna for nearly a year, and I was consistently impressed by her talent, dedication, and collaborative spirit. She's a quick learner and always willing to go the extra mile. I highly recommend Jenna for any UX Design position."
"Jenna always keeps a positive attitude, even while solving her way through tough challenges. This combined with her high degree of conscientiousness, makes her a reliable co-worker that you want on your team. Caring about the design is the first step but battle testing through rigorous feedback is how she ensures quality. I've known plenty of designers to be fooled by their own biases, but Jenna carefully reads through all of the feedback that she gets and gets an objective perspective. I would collaborate with Jenna on UX design in the future and anyone else who does will see her values and professionalism"

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Documents Page

On mobile and desktop users have the ability to upload medical and health related documents securely.  

After studying Google Material Design and leading drive applications I re-designed this page for improved usability.

Mobile Spalsh Screen:

After feedback and testing, I listened to colleagues, and greatly improved the slide tutorial page for mobile. 

With greater accessibility, the information conveys to every type of use what exact products the app has to offer.

Find Care Search

On mobile and desktop users have three main search filters to find care. Due to the growing popularity of virtual visits, this search field was added after research and user testing.

Find Providers:

After collaborating with colleagues, and usability testing I optimized how users choose a provider. “Distance” information was added, and also better accessibility for visually impaired users with padding and updated UI styling elements.

Notification Settings:

After participant feedback and testing this page was created to give users the freedom to choose notifications for receiving text and or email updates such as appointments or new information published to the app.